Sunday, September 25, 2011

First (Real) Solo Ride

Went on my first real solo ride last weekend.  I know it's silly that I've been riding for a year and haven't been out by myself yet (beyond one 4-mile jaunt last spring), but that's what happens when your spouse is into cycling, I suppose.  Anyway, this past weekend Mr. Lady Roadie had a century on Saturday, and was not at all into the idea of spending any more time on his bike on Sunday, so I went out alone.

It was no big thing -- I took a well-traveled path to the road that is blocked off to cars, did 16 miles out and back.  I was afraid I'd get bored or unmotivated alone, but that wasn't the case at all.  It did help that there were lots of cyclists on the route for me to focus on and pick off one by one (or get passed by!).  I did pass two men up hills which I got a kick out of, although I've realized that Beach Drive is the reason I'm under the false assumption that I'm a decent climber.  Noobs abound on that road since it's blocked off to cars on weekend, and a lot of fit men can keep up with me on the flats before showing their true noobishness at the first sight of a hill.  So, while I guess this means I'm not actually a good climber, it also means that I'm not a noob! 

It turned out I was a bit more motivated without Mr. Lady Roadie, to my surprise.  On the way home I tackled a hill he's been bragging about, and while it wasn't pretty, I did make it up.  I don't think the extra motivation and lack of boredom would last on a longer ride, and if I got into a complicated traffic situation I'd be missing the company of a more experienced rider, but it's nice to know I can do 20 miles in this area on my own just fine. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Few Rides

Have slipped out of my cycling funk, mostly by lowering my expectations of myself I think.  When you immerse yourself in a sport its too easy to think that  because you are reading about it, you should be able to do it.  Of course training and fitness are what matter.  Mr. Lady Roadie didn't make his century (long story -- he and my dad are doing the route this weekend), so I got to go out twice last weekend.  The first, just a hilly 20 miler, reminded me that I need to spend more time on the bike.  My quads were aching, which I took as a good thing since that's the first step towards getting stronger.  The second was just a recovery ride down Beach Drive, which is closed to car traffic on weekends and is therefore popular amongst both cycling groups and kids on tricycles (I'll get into the dangers of this another day).  Mr. Lady Roadie had to ask me to slow down, which is a first!  (Of course this is because he had put in a lot more miles than me the day before).

We also did one of the Potomac Pedalers CC group rides this week, just a short 13 miler.  I was nervous starting out but immediately realized that it was a very relaxed ride.  We cut through residential neighborhoods and bike paths (with a few short, STEEP hills that killed my knees), and I tried (unsuccessfully) to master riding in an unpredictable group.  Too often I found myself having to hit my brakes too hard, and then pedal hard to make up for the loss of momentum, in order to keep up.  Towards the end of the ride the speed picked up a bit, and we got dropped a tad, although it was more a motivational issue than anything else -- I was tired of all that starting and stopping!  I need to learn to not overreact to the changes of the riders around me.  Not sure if I'd do the ride again, as I wasn't a fan of all the bike path riding, but I'm glad we're trying out different rides in the area and meeting new cyclists (even older ones).

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Not doing so well on the bike these days!  We went on a 26 mile ride while on vacation, exploring Assateague and then out to the town of Berlin and even on a relaxed vacation type ride I just did not have any fun at all on the  bike.  I suppose it didn't help that it was so flat, but still.  I've decided to stop pushing it, stop having joyless rides on the trainer and rollers and on flat training roads, and to just back off for a bit -- so I missed my mileage goal last week and I know I'll miss it this week too.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is only my first season on the bike.  I've also been dealing with an upcoming job change that has been draining.  Plus, Mr. Lady Roadie's century ride is this weekend, so I haven't had my riding partner recently, and the weather's been terrible. 

From Assateague -- Mama got upset when I took this pic of her baby!

At the end of the day these are all excuses.  What's really happening is that I haven't felt strong on the bike, and I'm down on myself because of that, and not having fun.  Of course, not riding is only making me weaker.  I've got a 65-mile ride coming up next month, so once we're past Mr. Lady Roadie's century, the focus on that should be motivating.  Basically I just need to get over myself and ride to have fun again.  And maybe stay away from group rides for a little bit.