Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crumfest 2011

Boy was tonight's ride terrible.  I'd prefer to quietly log it and move on with my life, but I vowed to write about the good and the bad, so here's to being fully honest.  I came home from work exhausted and moody (a frequent occurrence, even with my 8-hour day and short, headacheless commute that I should really bike one of these days), but Mr. Lady Roadie and I had planned on going for an easy ride to waken up our legs before tomorrow's group ride.  I have this ridiculous theory about taking too many days off from exercise in a row, and tonight would've been my third, so I let Mr. Lady Roadie talk me into going out even though I just wanted to curl up under the covers (at 5:30 in the afternoon). 

So, off we went.  I waited for the sunshine and fresh air to give me more energy, and when that didn't happen I waited for the endorphins to kick in, but nothing worked.  My legs were fresh but I had no energy and my pace and attitude were both just terrible, plus it was sort of windy and my knee was twingy.  Excuses, excuses.  At mile 5 (of a 6.5 mile out and back) I called it quits and U-turned towards home.

I guess some rides are just like this!  I should've had more mental fortitude, and maybe if a longer or harder ride had been planned I would've been able to find some, but it was just such an unexciting outing to begin with.  I don't know what my problem was though.  Time of the month (cough cough), or maybe I was too mentally zapped from work today.  Or just maybe it had to do with the two glasses of wine I had at our post-earthquake dinner out last night!

But hey -- we did still get in a wake-up ride, and weather permitting, I'm going to brave the group ride again tomorrow.   

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